Learn how to request a time change on a session note that has been set up to require time change requests
⚠️ Note: Session Notes / Activity Times that have a requested time change cannot be sent to an integrated practice management until the time change request is approved.
Submitting a Time Change Request
1. Complete your session note, using the note wizard fields, as usual. The last fields before the note summary are where you will submit your time change request.
2. The Start Time and Finish Time fields will be greyed out. Select [Request Time Change] to submit a request to have note times changed.
3. Enter the new Start Time and End Time and input a reason for why the times need to be corrected. To submit the request select [Submit Request].
4. The note will show the original times with a strike through and the requested times in a summary of the requested changes.
- Select [Continue] to submit your note.
5. Before saving and/or signing off on your note you will see another summary of the requested changes. Select [Sign and Save Session Note] or just if no signature is required.
6. When signing the note, you'll also see another summary of the requested changes to acknowledge you are signing off on the request.
7. The note will now be in a [Pending Review] status and the times on the activity and the note will NOT yet be updated, as shown by the purple field chips within the note.
ℹ️ When an additional signer, such as a caregiver or supervisor signs a note with a pending time change request, they will see the full request when they sign off so they can review the times requested:
Reviewing and Re-Submitting a Rejected Request
1. If your change request is rejected, you will receive a notification.
2. Clicking the notification will take you directly to the note you need to re-request. You will see a message at the top of the note letting you know the request is rejected. Select [Go to Pending Changes] or scroll to the bottom of the note to re-request.
3. You will see your original request along with a rejection reason. You must [Submit New Request] in order for your session note to move from a pending to a complete status. There is no way to undo your original rejection at this point.
4. When submitting a new request, the Requested Start Time and Requested Finish Time will default to your original note times. You may adjust them again or leave them as is. You will need to input a new reason.
5. Once the request has been approved and all required signatures are collected the note will be in a "completed" status and ready to send to an integration, if applicable.