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Hi Rasmus | Aloha: Resending Clients profiles, User profiles and Appointments from Aloha to Hi Rasmus
If for some reason you are not able to link a client or user OR an appointment isn't showing up, follow these steps to resend from Aloha to Hi Rasmus.
1. Open Aloha ABA
2. Select [Settings] >> [Clinical Integrations] >> [Hi Rasmus] from the navigation menu
2. Select either [Staff], [Client] or [Appointments] from the Hi Rasmus integration page, depending on what you need to send over.
3. Clients and Staff will have a blank status, a status of "Sent" or a status of "Matched" - to resend a profile or appointment.
4. Select the check box next to the particular profile or appointment and then select "Sent" in the top right corner.
The appointment or profile should now appear in Hi Rasmus.
NOTE: If the user profile appeared to be matched, but appointments are not showing up for a particular user, make sure to UNLINK on the Hi Rasmus side before re-sending from Aloha!