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  3. Lumary Integration: FAQ and Troubleshooting

Hi Rasmus | Lumary: Understanding the "Completed from Lumary" Activity Status

Activities linked to appointments that have been completed on the Lumary side of the integration have their own status designation. Read on to learn how and when an activity will be marked "Completed from Lumary".

"Completed from Lumary" Activity Status

The "Completed from Lumary" status will be reflected on an activity that is linked to a Lumary appointment:

  • If an activity is sent / re-sent to Lumary, but the linked appointment has already been processed for billing or payroll. 
  • If an activity has not been sent to Lumary, but the linked appointment is already completed in Lumary and the client's appointments are refreshed prior to the activity being sent to Lumary.
  • Refreshing all appointments for an organization will cause the status of any activity linked to a completed appointment in Lumary to reflect "Completed from Lumary".

The "Completed from Lumary" status looks similar to the "Transferred to Lumary" status but is orange, instead of green: 

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 12.59.16 PM

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 12.59.31 PM

Can an Activity that is "Completed from Lumary" be Unrendered?

Yes! You are able to unrender an activity that is "Completed from Lumary" the same way you can for one that is "Transferred to Lumary".

Keep in mind that the ability for a user to unrender an activity is controlled in the User Privileges for each role. 

Screenshot 2025-01-03 at 1.06.52 PM

Is there a way to update the status of an Activity to "Transferred to Lumary"?

If you are still able to un-complete the appointment in Lumary and put the appointment back into the "scheduled" status, then you can unrender on the Hi Rasmus side and re-send to Lumary and it will reflect a status of "Transferred to Lumary".

However, if the appointment in Lumary was already processed for payroll or billing, if you try to send or re-send the activity to Lumary, it will move back to the "Completed from Lumary" status.