1. Creating a workflow
You can create a workflow to increase or to decrease frequency. On the initial page, on
the left-hand side, you will click on Settings.
After, you will click on Programs, and then Workflows.
Once the page opens, you will click on the arrow on the right side of the Add Workflow button. Then you can select Frequency, and specify if you want to increase or decrease it.
Once you select if you want to increase or decrease the frequency, you can start setting up the mastery criteria.
2. Probe
For the Probe section, you can add how many trials you want to see across how many sessions in order to consider the target mastered, and the target will close automatically. You can change that in the advanced settings.
In the advanced settings you can determine what will happen with the target.
If not mastered, a target can either go to a waiting status, or to an acquisition status.
If mastered, a target can be closed (meaning it won't appear in the session again), it can be mastered (meaning you can set a maintenance schedule) or it can go to acquisition.
You can also decide if you want a phase change line to be added automatically. The default name will be PROBE, but you can change it if necessary.
3. Acquisition
Once in acquisition, you can determine the criteria for the target to be mastered. You can choose how many successful (or independent) trials, across how many sessions. In the advanced settings you can select if you phase change line to be added automatically. The default name will be ACQUISITION, but you can change it if necessary.
When in acquisition, you can add new phases and name them accordingly. They will have the same customizable options as the initial acquisition phase.
Note that, if you create a new phase, the first acquisition flow will go from acquisition to acquisition 2 (the one created).
4. Mastered
After being mastered, you can set up a maintenance schedule, to make sure your learner is maintaining the new acquired skill!
You can set up different intervals (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, etc) and once you select the corresponding time frame for each interval, that target will open on the learner's session before it closes and moves onto the next interval and/or closes. You will need to set the required criteria in order for the target to move forward from one interval to the next.
Please note that if a target does not meet the criteria that you set, it will appear daily until criteria is met, regardless of its current maintenance interval.
Optional: If your learner errors during any maintenance phase , you can set up for the target to go back to acquisition. You would check the box next to Mastered -> Acquisition. Leave it unchecked if you do not want this as an option.
5. Opening new targets automatically
In the Waiting section, you can select to open new targets automatically when others are mastered. You can choose the maximum number of targets in acquisition, if the target will be open in PROBE or in ACQUISITION, and if you want the first or the last waiting target to be opened.
After you are done, you can name your workflow in a way that makes sense to you, and then you click SAVE!
If you have any questions, please reach out at help@hirasmus.com.