Import Programs from other Platforms

If you are transitioning from another platform* and would like to import existing programs, follow the following steps:

1. Export your client's goals to Excel from the platform you want to move the programs from.

2. Log on to Hi Rasmus and create the client (if s/he is not already there). (Visit Clients, then Add Client).

3. In your client's Programs folder, select the icon on the upper right corner, then Import programs.


4. Click Select File..., then choose the file that you exported from the platform.

import 1

5. Once chosen, you will get a list of your client's programs. From here, you can easily select the program type, status, and prompt level template for each program before they are imported.

6. If you only wish to import a select few programs, you can indicate this by checking off the select box on the left hand side. (We recommend just trying to select one program first to test and see how it works.)

7. Click Import all programs on the bottom to begin the import.

Once this process has been completed, your programs will be available on the Hi Rasmus platform and ready to use.