[Lumary Integration] How to: Pull Client Appointment information into Session Notes

This article reviews how to pull Client information from a specific Lumary appointment into a Hi Rasmus session note and includes the list of fields that can be pulled over

This process requires access to Session Note Templates which can only be viewed by users with Manager level system access

1. Navigate to Sessions >> Note Templates

Click on Note Templates


Select the pencil icon to edit the note template you wish to add appointment specific information to.

Click on Direct 1:1 Session Note

2. Select the [Dynamic Fields] Dropdown and expand the [Appointment] list

Click on Expand "Appointment"

4. Select the fields that you would like to pull into the note from the client's appointment in Lumary. 

NOTE: If a note is completed before a session is linked to the Lumary appointment the note will have to be reopened for editing after the Lumary appointment is manually linked in order for the appointment fields to generate!

Click on Service Code

Appointment fields on the client's session note will now generate based on the linked Lumary appointment once the note is completed

Click on 1:1 Direct Service - Home …

List of Lumary appointment fields that can be pulled into a Client's Session Note

  • Diagnosis Code
  • Place of Service
  • Place of Service Address
  • Scheduled Date
  • Scheduled Start Time
  • Scheduled Finish Time
  • Service Code
  • Service Modifiers (will only pull the modifier in the 1st modifier position)
  • Service Name
  • Service Taxonomy
  • Service Type