Program Personalization

Save time when you are writing programs. This article explains how to write programs in a way that makes them easy to re-use for multiple clients.

In the Objective and Instructions of a program you can use Learner and the pronouns He  or She, and those will automatically be transformed to the client's name and correct pronouns when the program is viewed by a therapist or parent. This way, you can copy the programs to and from the library without having to worry about any sensitive information being transferred.

This feature is case sensitive. To use this functionality, users must use "Learner('s)", he/she, Him/her, etc.


Write an objective with the client's name and correct personal pronouns:

Learner will tact 10 different colors when asked "What color is this?" with 95% accuracy across 3 consecutive sessions.

Setting the client's gender
To set up the client's gender simply edit the client's profile on the Clients page.



If the client's gender is not specified when setting up the client's profile, the pronouns (he/she) will not be replaced.