Running Group Sessions in Hi Rasmus

Our Group Sessions feature allows providers to run a session for multiple learners with multiple staff all in one place!

Note for Integration Users: Group Sessions will not automatically link to an appointment in your Practice Management System, the appointment will need to be manually linked to the session!

1. To begin a Group Session select the down arrow next to [Start Session] and select [Start Group Session]

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 12.10.02 PM

2. Select [Add Group Participant] to add additional participants to the session. Select the client and their appropriate sessions from the dropdown menus.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 12.13.00 PM

Select the client, their appropriate sessions and the staff running the session from the dropdown menus and select [Add]

3. Once participants and their staff are added, select [Start Group Session]

4. Utilize the Client Tabs at the top of the page to navigate between client sessions. 

You can add a participant / staff at any time by selecting the [+] sign at the top of the page. 

5. Select [Finish Session] at the bottom of each client's session to end a session for a client. 

6. Select the clients you would like to end the session for and select [OK]