Auditing Signatures in Hi Rasmus

Adding signature information to your activities overview pages allows you to easily audit signatures for multiple sessions at once!

NOTE: In order to audit signatures for anyone other than the user that ran the session, you must create a custom client data field for any additional signers! For more information on creating client data fields check out THIS article!

Signature Audits - Video Overview

Capturing  Signatures to Audit

1. Set up your Session Note templates to require a "signature from therapist" to capture the signature of the user completing the session note.

  • Navigate to [Settings] >> [Sessions] >> [Note Templates] to edit a note template. 
  • Select your note template and check the [Require signature from therapist] box at the bottom of the template

2. Create custom client data fields for users such as BCBA Supervisor or Parent and set up your Session Note Templates to require additional signers. 

TIP: If you do not want parents to have Hi Rasmus accounts, you can still require a signature using a client data "user" field - parents would just sign manually instead of through their Hi Rasmus account. 

  • Navigate to [Settings] >> [Sessions] >> [Note Templates] to edit a note template. 
  • Select your note template and check the [Require signature from additional people] box at the bottom of the template and select the additional signers from the drop down options. The options will reflect all of the custom client data "user" fields you have set up!

3. You can also capture an auditable signature using the "Request Signature" and "Sign Now" options at the end of a session. You must make sure that you select the corresponding client data field to tie the signature to from the [Signatory] drop down.

  • To request a signature, select [Request Signature] at the bottom of the session.
  • Select the corresponding user name if the person you are collecting a signature from has an account. Then select their role from the [Signatory] drop down. 
  • If the user doesn't have an account you can select a field from [Signatory] and it will still generate a signature request that can be manually signed.

4. To manually add a signature, but tie it to a client data field select [Add Signature] - the user will have to sign first if they have not already done so. 

  • Select the corresponding client data field from the  [Signatory] drop down. If you do not select an option, the signature will not populate on the client's activities overview page. 
    Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 10.06.37 AM

Adding Signature Audit Columns to Client Activities Overview

1. Select a client and then select [History] from the left navigation menu. 

2. Select the [Activities] tab

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3. Select the Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 10.21.39 AMicon in the right hand corner of the Activities page

4. Select the drop down next to [Signatures] to expand the signature field options.

Screenshot 2024-07-30 at 10.22.38 AM

5. Select the signature fields you want to include in your activities reporting table.

NOTE: these fields, except for "User signature" must be set up as custom client data "user" field types. 

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6. All Activities that have captured signatures with corresponding client data fields will now be displayed in the Activities overview page

Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 10.09.09 AM


To view signatures across multiple clients, navigate to [Reporting] >> [Activities]

Follow the same steps to add signatures to the Activities overview page that you did for an individual client.