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  2. Treatment Plans and Progress Reports

How do I Create Custom Client Data Fields?

Learn how to create data fields for your organization's client profiles that can be pulled into session notes or progress reports.

From the main menu, visit Settings > Organization > Client Data. Here, you can set up custom fields associated with a client's profile; once created, these fields can be pulled into session notes and progress reports.

To add a new field, select the "Add Data Field" button: Screenshot 2023-07-21 131626

Write a label for the field, then select the data type from the drop-down menu (options are available for Text, Data, Selection, or Yes/No (checkbox). For selection types, simply type your options, hitting your enter or return button between each option. Select Save to complete your new data field.

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To edit an existing data field, select the pencil to the right of that field's listing.

Where can these data fields be edited for a client?

From the main menu, visit Clients. From here, you can select the blue "Add Client" button to create a new client, or select the pencil to the right of a name to edit an existing client. Once here, select the "Information" tab on the right. Here, you will find any data fields that have been set up, and you can fill out the client-specific information accordingly.

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