Business Units for Clients and Users

Create business units in Hi Rasmus associated within your organization to easily assign an user access to all clients listed under one or more units

How to Add a Business Unit(s)

  1. Select Settings
  2. Select Organization
  3. Select Business Unit
  4. Select blue button add business unit
  5. Add name of business unit 
    1. adding address is optional and dependent on the type of business unit adding to your organization

  6. Press save

How to Assign Clients to a Business Unit 

  1. Select Clients 
  2. Open a client's profile you are wanting to assign a business unit to
  3. Scroll to the bottom of their profile and select the appropriate business unit (the 2nd box from the bottom)
  4. Press save

How to easily assign an user access to all clients under a business unit

  1. Click on Settings
  2. Click on Organization
  3. Click on Users
    1. to assign a current user access:
      1. select the user you wish to assign to clients
      2. click on the client's tab on the top right hand corner
      3. check off the business unit box(es) you wish to assign them to. This will give the user access to every client assigned that specific business unit. 
      4. press save
    1. How to assign a new user access:
      1. select add user 
      2. enter in user email
      3. enter in permission level for user
      4. click on the client's tab on the top right hand corner
      5. check off the business unit box(es) you wish to assign them to. This will give the user access to every client assigned that specific business unit. 
      6. press send invitation