How to Link Hi Rasmus Profiles with Lumary Profiles

This is the first step to set up the integration between Lumary and Hi Rasmus


Pro Tip #1

Before you link any Hi Rasmus profiles with the Lumary profiles, please make sure you have created all staff members and clients in Lumary first!**


Pro Tip #2

Before you import your clients into Hi Rasmus from Lumary, verify that subscription number of active license is correct.

  • settings -> subscription -> check # of active licenses
  • increase the number of licenses if needed and press update subscription

How to Import and Link Clients

  1. Select clients on the left hand side

  2. Select the 3 grey dots on the right hand side

  3. Select Import from Lumary 

  4. A list of all your client's profiles in Lumary will appear in a pop up box

    1. Select the box to the left of your client(s) name(s) 

    2. Select save

  5. Your client's from Lumary will now have active profiles created on Hi Rasmus and will be displayed in a list format

    1. Please note that the only information about your client that is pulled into Hi Rasmus is your client's first and last name

    2. You can click on a client's name to open up their profile

    3. Once the profile is open, it is recommended to fill out the client alias. Press save on the bottom left hand corner once that is filled out.

    4. It is optional to fill out any other information on the client's profile in Hi Rasmus

      1. This information will be useful to fill out should you want to pull in any client information to a report

      2. Click here too see how you can create custom client data fields 

    5. You can also customize what information you can see on your client list by editing the table columns

      1. select the grey wheel above your first client's profile

      2. select the box to include the information you would like to be able to view 

      3. press ok


How to Link Staff



Prior to linking staff member accounts in Hi Rasmus, please make sure that all staff member accounts have been created in Lumary

  1. Select settings on the left hand side
  2. Select organization
  3. Select Users
    1. You need to invite an user to Hi Rasmus prior to being able to link staff member accounts. (Click here to review the different user permissions levels.) There are two options to inviting staff to the platform: 
Invite user : This options allows you to invite one staff member at a time
  • Enter the user's email address -> Assign the user a role -> send invitation
  • Once the user has been invited and successfully logged into Hi Rasmus, click on the user's name -> click on link to Lumary staff profile -> find the user's name in the list and place a check mark next in the box to the left of the user's name -> select save
  • On your list of user's, a column will inform you whether or not an user's profile is successfully connect to their Lumary profile

Bulk Invite users : This option allows you to invite multiple staff members with the same permission level as well as the ability to auto-link to their Lumary account
  • Enter in multiple user email addresses separated by a comma or a line-break -> assign the multiple users all the same role -> check off the box to Auto-link the user to Lumary staff profile -> select invite