Review how to manage user profiles and pending invitations in Hi Rasmus as a Manager Level User
Reviewing User Information Across Users
- Navigate to [Settings] >> [Organization] >> [Users]
- You'll be shown the User overview page, which defaults to no filters
- You can filter this page view by selecting [Add Filter] and choosing from the following filter options. The options will differ slightly depending on if you have an integration.
- Select the
icon in the top right corner of the page to select additional columns to display on the overview page.
- This allows you to quickly review information across users and determine things such as: user profile status, staff competency profile status, MFA set up or whether they are linked to their integrated partner profile.
- This allows you to quickly review information across users and determine things such as: user profile status, staff competency profile status, MFA set up or whether they are linked to their integrated partner profile.
- Selecting the three vertical dots next to the search icon will allow you to export the details on the user overview page to an excel or csv file
Editing User Profile Details
Manager level users can manage client access, update a users email address and activate a staff competency profile through a users profile in Hi Rasmus.
- To Edit a User's profile, navigate to [Settings] >> [Organization] >> [Users]
- You can click on the name of the user or select the three vertical dots to the far right of the users name and select [Edit User]
- This is where you would also Disable a user if you wish to make their profile inactive.
- On the [INFO] tab you can link them to their corresponding profile in an integrated practice management system, update their name, email, user role, add business units or manage their MFA (For more details on managing MFA CLICK HERE)
- The [ACCESS] tab allows you to give the user access to clients. Check the box next to the Client's name the user needs access to.
- The [STAFF PROFILE] tab allows you to add a Staff Competency profile to a user. For more details on Staff Competency profiles CLICK HERE
If you enable a Staff Profile you will also be given the option to add in Credentialing information for the user.
NOTE: If you enable a Staff Profile a Staff Profile license will be added to your subscription.
Managing Pending User Invitations
- Select the [Pending Invitations] Tab from the User Management page to manage any pending invitations.
An invitation to Hi Rasmus will remain in pending until the user completes the sign up process. For details on completing the sign up process CLICK HERE
- To resend an invitation select the
icon to the right of the users email.
- To remove / withdraw the invitation altogether select the trash can icon
- Click the users email to edit the profile information, access or staff profile. You will not be able to edit the email until the invitation is accepted.