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  2. Creating Programs
  3. Program Setup: Program Building Blocks

Program Data Fields

Create custom program data fields in Hi Rasmus to track program specific information for your organization

TIP: Program Data fields can be pulled into treatment plan report templates. To learn more about setting up report templates CLICK HERE

About Program Data Fields

Program data fields can be used to track program specific information such as mastery criteria, a program's fading plan or specific dates associated with a program.

You can then pull this information into the [Treatment Progress] sections of a report.

Once created, program data fields will show up on the [Treatment] tab of a program. You cannot specify which programs the fields show up on, each field will be available on every program for the entire organization. 

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 1.50.20 PM

Creating Program Data Fields

Only Manager level users are able to create Program Data fields for an organization

1. From the left hand menu navigate to Settings >> Programs >> Program Data.

Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 1.54.29 PM

2. Select [Add Data Field]

3. Add a Field Label (name) and select the data type for the field. 

4. If choosing "Selection" add the options users can select from by typing the selection and hitting enter.

  • You can also check the box to allow for multiple selections. 
  • Selecting "Allow user-defined options" will allow a user to enter their own options when filling out the field on a program 

5. Select [Save]

6. The custom program data field will now be visible across all programs.