Navigating the platform

This article gives you a quick overview of where to find things once you've logged on.

Initial User Home Page Menu

Your initial home page will display activities

  • This is a list of pending activities to ensure that notes and signatures are completed in a timely manner.


Moving away from your initial homepage, there is a menu which is your handy short-cut to navigating the app.

This menu is split into two sections:
  1. client specific navigation
  2. User general navigation.

    Client specific navigation

    The Select client drop-down enables you to select which client you are working with.

    Home is your overview for the client you have selected. At the Home page you can see scheduled sessions and the current programs for this client. The Home page is also where you build new sessions.

    Visit Programs to set up and customize programs, objectives, and targets for the selected client.

    History is where you can go to review past sessions. This gives you easy access to detailed data recorded during prior sessions and any session notes. 

    Progress allows you to view graphs and monitor your client's progress over time across all programs.

    Files is where you can upload and share documents that are important to your client's case.

    General navigation



The Library is where you can store programs for later use. Programs in the library are shared across your clinic if you have multiple users.

Reporting is only available with a premium subscription** This allows managers to run reports across all clients and/or all users at once rather than going to an individual client's profile. 

On the Clients page, easily add clients and manage your roster. This is also where you can invite additional users and parents to access the platform and participate.

In Settings , you can change your account information, such as email and password. This is also where you can modify and create prompt level templates and establish mastery flow criteria. 

Visit Help for detailed resources as you set up and manage your caseload on the platform.